Posted in Pics

“Hear the beat of dancing feet, / It’s the song I love the melody of…”: WPC

I’m a day late (and perhaps a dollar short) for the “pedestrian” photo challenge. And that’s a shame because I took these photos the weekend before the challenge went up and they are perfect for it! It was fortuitous. But this week—well, this semester—has been terribly busy and I just lost track of time. So I won’t take any longer. Here are my photos, taken on 42nd Street, which, because of a parade on 5th Ave, was closed to traffic and became a pedestrian thoroughfare for a few hours on a Sunday.

Posted in Politics

Bathroom Bills Just Don’t Make Sense

Remember I mentioned I got a blog post published on an academic blog? Here’s the link:

In the article, I poke holes in the logic of bathroom bills by looking at how they classify gender as binary when, medically, it is not. I hope it provides an cogent argument against a set of discriminatory laws. More than that I hope it helps shed some light on non-binary and nontraditional gender and sex identities, something that, for most, is a confusing issue.

Posted in Uncategorized

Oh Dear…

Oh dear, it’s been over a month since I posted anything. The academic year started at the end of August and I really haven’t had a breather since. It’s probably because I teach on two campuses, studying on a third, and working on top of all that. It’s a lot to juggle but I’m managing pretty well, I think. Still something had to give and that was the blog.

It’s not that I haven’t been writing. It’s just I’ve been focusing on academic writing and making power points. I even got a post (not a power point!) published on an academic blog–I promise I’ll post a link here soon!

It’s not even that I haven’t been cooking–though I’ve been doing less than I should–or taking photos. It’s purely that I’m busy. And during the rare times when I’m not busy (working, teaching, studying, writing, cooking, commuting, or anything else that prevents me from blogging), I generally want to be doing nothing.