Posted in Pics

The World Famous Cronut: WPC

This week’s photo challenge was to photograph things that are a good match. I wasn’t terribly inspired. In fairness, that might be because I’m insanely busy with school and work at the moment and not because the topic wasn’t inspirational. Either way, I probably wasn’t going to do the challenge.  Continue reading “The World Famous Cronut: WPC”

Posted in Pics

Second Ave Subway: WPC and CB&W

Today’s a two-fer! The Daily Post weekly photo challenge this week was to capture something that’s “against the odds.” I happened to ride the Second Ave Subway the day after the challenge was posted and I knew I had to go back with my camera and get some photos, because if anything says “against the odds” it’s the Second Ave Subway.


Continue reading “Second Ave Subway: WPC and CB&W”

Posted in Pastries

Strawberry Pancakes: Recipe and TBT

Throwback to that time when I managed to smash a pint of strawberries to a pulp on the walk home. Or more informatively, to that time when I made pancakes with strawberry puree mixed into the batter.

I made these with fresh strawberries in the springtime. I’m sure these’d work well with a puree made from frozen, defrosted strawberries for a cozy, wintertime brunch. In fact that seems to be the best use of frozen strawberries outside of ice cream. Continue reading “Strawberry Pancakes: Recipe and TBT”

Posted in Pics

Polar Bear: WPC

This week’s photo challenge was “solitude.” I spent a while thinking of what I might choose to photograph, I had some thoughts but no definite ideas. Then I remembered this lovely polar bear from the Bronx Zoo.


Lounging on his (her?) own, he looks so solitary and peaceful. I bet he will be frolicking tomorrow in the blizzard though!

Posted in Politics

Thoughts on Immigration

The border control agent handed me a slip of paper instead of my passport. She had checked the box next to, “you are being detained.” It would have been farcical if it hadn’t been so terrifying.

I knew the worst case scenario was that I would be sent back to the U.S. where I have family, friends, and a life. It would also mean a struggle to get my student visa and I had only applied to schools in the U.K.—but I hadn’t even accepted a spot yet, so I wouldn’t really be losing more than a year and a few application fees.

I also knew that the law was in my favor. I hadn’t overstayed any visa, I showed ample resources, and the accusation that I was trying to establish residency was absurd (and showed the border agent’s complete and utter lack of understanding of immigration law). I had done nothing wrong and immigration law was on my side.

But in the moment, sitting on a plastic chair while the arrivals hall emptied out, the worst case scenario seemed much worse and I didn’t feel like I had anything, let alone the force of law, on my side.  I can’t imagine how terrifying that process would be when the worst case scenario as bad as I felt it was—or even worse. I can’t imagine what it must feel like when you cannot cite the law in your favor (especially when you should be able to). Continue reading “Thoughts on Immigration”

Posted in Pastries

Almost Healthy Apple Crumble: Recipe and TBT

I’ve lucked out recently; I’ve gotten some great apples at reasonable prices. Yesterday my luck ran out. I’ve got three granny smith apples that are unbearably tart. What to do? That’s easy: make apple crumble! I haven’t made it yet (I started a new term of classes this week so I haven’t exactly had the time) but I will soon. And when I do, I’ll use this recipe.

So here’s a throwback to throwing things together–no recipe, no fallback ice cream in the freezer–and making a fabulous apple crumble (although, in hindsight, it’s more of an apple crisp) with a fabulous friend. Continue reading “Almost Healthy Apple Crumble: Recipe and TBT”