Posted in Pics

The Bridges of Manhattan County: WPC

Okay, okay, it’s New York County; Manhattan is a borough. Also, there are bridges from Monroe County and Oxfordshire in here. But I couldn’t help myself.

Central Park pedestrian bridge
Bridge over a pedestrian walkway near West 72nd St. in Central Park

I don’t have particularly much to say about this topic. I do, apparently, enjoy photographing bridges, so you’d think I would–you’d think wrong, though!

Still, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I’ve got plenty of those… Continue reading “The Bridges of Manhattan County: WPC”

Posted in Pastries

Home Grown Arugula Salads: Recipe

As I mentioned, I’m currently upstate with my parents. The old house they live in is on a “farm-ette,” as it’s apparently called. It’s something like 5 acres and it was used as a horse farm before they got it. My mom’s been trying her hand at gardening–she’s got those raised table beds so it’s really easy to “farm.”

arugula and radishes

Continue reading “Home Grown Arugula Salads: Recipe”

Posted in Pics

Wallpaper: WPC

Delta is the symbol used to denote change in mathematic and scientific equations. For example, students are taught that velocity = change in position / change in time. That equation is often given as v=(x-x)/(t-t) [with the first x and t having subscript 2 and the second x and t having subscript 1 to denote that they are two discrete location and time coordinates, but I can’t figure out how to get subscript characters in WordPress!] This, of course, is more simply written as v=∆x/∆t. In other words, a delta represents not some nebulous concept of change but a specific, measurable change between two distinct points in time (or space).

Removing layers and layers of wallpaper

Continue reading “Wallpaper: WPC”